Today is November 15th.
Christmas is coming soon!
I`m so happy!
I will spend Christmas in Myanmar.
I will be in Myanmar for Christmas but Christmas is not so popular in Myanmar.
You don`t see so many decorations.
This is because most people are Buddhist.
Myanmar people don`t like to put up decorations for Christmas.
But Myanmar people like to decorate Buddha images.
I will stay in Myanmar for 10 days.
I want to eat Mohinga every morning!
Mohinga is traditional Myanmar food.
It is great!
I will wake up early every morning and do Tai Chi!
On December 31st, I will fly to Bangkok.
I will relax for 6 days in Bangkok.
I like to eat food from the roadside shops.
Also, I like to watch movies in Bangkok!
Movies are much cheaper in Bangkok and the movies are very new!
Movies always come to Japan last.
I want to see the latest movies.
I can see them in Bangkok but not in Japan.
I will arrive back in Tokyo on January 7th.
It will be COLD!!!
I hope I will have a good trip.