Sunday, September 30, 2012

Friday, September 28, 2012

Funny drummer

This man loves drumming so much!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

What is your PIN code?

A PIN is a  Personal Identification Number.

You use this number when you use an ATM.

Photo by

My PIN is 8068.

It`s a joke!

I will never tell you my PIN!

Some stories about PINs!

Here is a funny story.

Why is a PIN only 4 numbers?

John Shepherd-Barron invented the ATM.

At first, he thought the PIN should be 6 numbers.

But his wife wanted only 4 numbers.

In the end, he listened to his wife!

Here is a scary story.

Many people are attacked at ATMs.

Some crazy poeple say "Take out $1,000 or I will kill you!"

There is a new plan to stop these crazy people.

If you enter your PIN backward, the ATM will call the police.

The police will catch the crazy man!

Is it a good idea?

Here is a funny and scary story.

What is the most popular PIN?

A data scientist, Nick Berry did research to find out which PIN was the most popular.

He examined 3,400,000 PINs.

The most popular PIN is "1234"!

What a bad PIN!

It is so easy to guess!

10.7% of all PINs are "1234".

Many people are lazy when they choose their PIN.

Here are a list of other popular PINs.


Why are people so lazy!

Many PINs begin with 19.

Because it is the year someone was born.

I was born on November 13th.

But my PIN is not 1113!

Infinity Blade

Infinity Blade is an game app for the iPhone.

This game is very popular.

It sold $1,600,000 in four days.

“The most impressive iPhone game I've ever played."– IGN

"...detail in Infinity Blade is amazing."– TouchGen

“the best looking game"–MTV Multiplayer

I bought this game for 85yen.

It is a fantasy game.

You are a hero.

You must fight many monsters.

There is a lot of gold you can find.

 But be careful, many of the monsters are tough!

Here is the final boss.

I lose everytime against him.

This happens everytime.


Good Points
1) It is not expensive! It is only 85 yen!

2) It looks so good! The graphics are great! The castle is beautiful and the monsters are so ugly!

3) It is fun to play.

Bad Points
1) It is not an RPG. There is no story. There is only fighting!

2) There are only a few monsters. You must fight them again and again.

3) The castle is so small. You go to the same rooms again and again.

Score: B

Only fighting is not so interesting for me.

This game is fun for a short time only you will get tired of it soon.

But for 85 yen it is cheap so maybe you should buy it.

Saturday, September 15, 2012!

Do you know

This is a very interesting website.

Anyone can put a funny photo or anything on Reddit!

Look at this nice photo!

meyer24d posted this photo!


Some people post short videos.

Look at this video.   It is so cute!  

 More cute photos!

My Summer!

This summer I stayed in Japan!

Photo by dany13

I didn`t visit any foreign country.

Almost everyday, I was in Fuchu.

Photo by puffjet

Walking in Fuchu.

Relaxing in Fuchu.

Shopping in Fuchu.

Eating in Fuchu.

Sleeping in Fuchu.

I`m getting tired of Fuchu.

It was so hot in Tokyo this summer!

Photo by  chainsawpanda

I want winter to come quickly!

I did leave Tokyo three times!

I went to Gotemba outlet mall!

Photo by mako_side_b

I went there with my wife.

I bought so many shirts!

They were very cheap.

LLBean, Eddie Bower!

I was so happy!

But there was one bad point.

We could not get a good photo of Fuji-san....

Photo by invictus