Friday, December 31, 2010

Back in Bangkok!

My wife and I got to Bangkok this afternoon from Myanmar.

We were so tired.

Now I am in MBK in Bangkok!

Photo by Keng Susmpow

I am happy because the internet connection is so fast!

Also you can get real Thai food in MBK!

My mouth is still burning!

Now I will surf the net.

See you later!

Monday, December 20, 2010

How to make a comic!

Go to this website


Maybe it will take some time to load.
please wait.

After loading the page will look like this.

Choose your style then click "OK"

First, Let`s choose the background. Click here.

Now you can see many backgrounds.
Choose one.

Drag the background to the picture.

Next choose a character.

There are many different characters.

I will choose Dr. Doom!

Also I added a PC.

Next add dialogue.
Drag a word balloon to the page.

Now type the words.

When you are finished, drag all of the windows away from your comic.

Press the "Ctrl" key and the "Print Screen SysRq" key at the same time.

Go to "Paint".

Next "Paste".
This will put your comic into "Paint".

Now you comic is in "Paint".
but it is not beautiful.
Click here.

Make a box around your comic.

Press "Crtl" and "V" at the same time.
Then make a new window.

Click "No"

Next "Paste".
This will put your comic into "Paint".

Now you comic is in "Paint".
And it is beautiful.

Now, save your comic.

Now you can put your comic into your blog!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Biggest Football miss in History


First the Goalie makes a mistake.

Then the striker misses.

Then the midfielder misses.

Do they know how to play football?

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Are they real?

Look at these 2 photos.
Are they real?

Photo Number 1

Photo number 2

Are they real or not?

Think about it and then go to to see the answer!

Here is the artist's Flicker page.

High speed photography

High speed photography is taking pictures of very fast things.
You need a very good camera to do high speed photography.

He is holding a water balloon.
The water balloon is breaking now.

by Marco Brasil SP

This is a bird catching a wasp.
The bird is so skilful!

by paddler60

My pencil broke AGAIN!
It is so troublesome!

by Christophe Kiciak

This looks so delicious!
I`m hungry!

by Morphicx

This is not so delicious.
I think they wasted an egg.

by bda668

This looks so interesting.
It is water dropping into coffee.

by lordsheppy

Do you want to see more high speed photos?

Click here

Monday, December 13, 2010

Sun and Rain in Tokyo!

Today it is raining in Tokyo!

Usually I walk to the univeristy from the train station.

But today I could not walk.

I had to take the teachers` bus.

I need more exercise......

I will go to the sports club today......Maybe.....

Are Americians rich?

Many people think that all Americians are rich.

This is not true.

Many Americians are poor.

But some Americians are very very rich.

How do you feel about this?

I think people should no be too rich.

Very rich people should give more money to the poor people!

But many people in America don`t agree with me.

How to make a Pie Chart

Go to

Click "Pie"

Click "Data"

Enter the title of your graph.
my title is "Are Americians rich?"

Next, do research!
I used Wikipedia.

I found out this information.

Income of Americians

Under $25,000: 47.37%

$25,000 to $50,000: 75.39%

$50,000 to $75,000: 13.17%

$75,000 to $100,000: 5.20%

$100,000 or more: 6.24%

I enter this information into this website.
Then click "Preview"

Look at your graph.
If it is ok, click "PRINT/SAVE"

Click "Download"

Select "JPG" then click "download"

Now you can save the to your computer and put it into your blog!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

How to make a quiz

Go to

Fill in the form.
Then click "continue"

I will make a quiz about money.

Now write your questions.
Write 4 answers.
Click "Next Question"

Sometimes it is difficult to think of a question.
You can do research!
Go to
This website is Wikipedia in simple English.
I will research about "Money".

I found some information about money.

Then I made a question using this information.

When you are finished, copy the link and put it into your blog!

Try my quiz!