First I flew from Tokyo to Bangkok

I didn`t stay in Bangkok. I flew to London on the same day.

But I didn`t stay in London. I flew to Dublin (Ireland) on the same day.

But I didn`t stay in Dublin. I took a train to Kilkenny on the same day!

But I didn`t stay in Kilkenny. I drove to Killamery on the same day.
Sorry, I don`t have any pictures of Killamery. It`s too small!!!!
I was so tired but I couldn`t rest. I went to my cousin`s wedding in Athlone.

And I drank a lot of BEER!!!!

After that I relaxed in Killamery. I drank more beer and went to a Hurling match. Hurling is an Irish sport. It`s cool! And DANGEROUS!!

I think the man in the green shirt is crazy because he isn`t wearing a helmet!!

I spent 1 month in Ireland then I went to Myanmar

But I couldn`t find this lady......

I was very lazy. I didn`t go to any temples

I didn`t do any interesting things...

I just relaxed everyday.
But I did do Tai Chi every morning. I woke up at 4:45AM and went to a river and did Tai Chi with many nice people. it was fun.

Then I came back to Tokyo

and back to work.....

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