Sunday, October 16, 2011

The fast lane

I want to try this!

Shark surfing!

Doug Niblack is a surfer.

One day he was surfing.

Suddenly a shark attacked his surfboard.

Watch the video to see what happened.

Do you believe it?

Saturday, October 15, 2011

More funny photos

These people should hire a truck.

I always have ICE in my HOT drink!

This backpack is cool!

He does not follow the rules!

I don`t understand this menu. 1 scoop = 2 scoops?

Dancing mistake.

Dancing is very dangerous!

epic fail photos - Swing Dancing FAIL

She did a Hurricanrana!

This is a pro wrestling move.

I think she did it better than Rey Mystero!

I think she was trying to dance like this.

Crazy cars and Kung Fu baby video quizzes

Saturday, October 08, 2011

Make a pictogame!

This is my game!

Click here


Click "Browse"

Choose a photo and click "Open"

Now the photo is uploaded into the website.

To rotate the photo click here.

First I will rotate my photo

To move the photo click and drag it.

To make the photo bigger or smaller click here.

I will make my photo bigger.

Add a message

Click "Preview"

Check out your game.
If you want to change anything cilck "Back"

If you are happy with your game, Click "Save & Play"

Now you must create your Pictogame account.

Fill out the form then click "sign up"

Now you can copy the link (2) to your game or copy the code (3) to put the game into your bolg.

There are many other kinds of games you can make.
Click "see all"

Have fun!

My silly comics

I`m sorry.

This comic is not funny.

I can`t think of a good joke now.

I will try better next time.

Actually, now I want to eat pizza!

Another strange comic.

iPhone comic...

Beach Comics

Strange comic.

Monday, October 03, 2011

My Favorite Actor

The actor I like the best is Charlie Chaplin.

He was born 16 April 1889 in London, England.

His most famous character is "The Tramp".

There are many stautes of this character around the world.

In London,

In Ireland,

In Switzerland,

He always made people laugh.

He worked for 65 years.

He was in 83 films.

Usually, he wrote and directed is own films.

He was also busy in his private life.

He had so many girlfriends.

These are two of his girlfriends.

This is so funny!