Monday, December 21, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Do you know Federico Alvarez?
Federico Alvarez is from Uruguay.
Uruguay is a small country in South America.
Uruguay is under Brazil and next to Argentina.

He is a director.
He made a short film about a robot invasion in Montevideo, the capital of Uruguay.
The film`s title is "Ataque de pánico".
This means "Panic Attack" in English.

He used $300 to make his movie.
Then, He put the movie on the Internet.
Over 1,500,000 people have watched his video.
Many people in Hollywood want him to make a movie.
He said "I uploaded 'Ataque de Panico!' on a Thursday and on Monday my inbox was totally full of emails from Hollywood studios."
Ghost House Pictures, a Hollywood studio, will give him $30,000,000 to make a movie.
He spent only $300 to make "Ataque de pánico" but now he can get $30,000,000!
It`s wonderful!
He didn`t have so much money.
He lives in a small country.
But he got his dream!
If you have a dream and you will work hard I think you can be successful like Federico Alvarez.
Watch his movie!
Uruguay is a small country in South America.
Uruguay is under Brazil and next to Argentina.

He is a director.
He made a short film about a robot invasion in Montevideo, the capital of Uruguay.
The film`s title is "Ataque de pánico".
This means "Panic Attack" in English.

He used $300 to make his movie.
Then, He put the movie on the Internet.
Over 1,500,000 people have watched his video.
Many people in Hollywood want him to make a movie.
He said "I uploaded 'Ataque de Panico!' on a Thursday and on Monday my inbox was totally full of emails from Hollywood studios."
Ghost House Pictures, a Hollywood studio, will give him $30,000,000 to make a movie.
He spent only $300 to make "Ataque de pánico" but now he can get $30,000,000!
It`s wonderful!
He didn`t have so much money.
He lives in a small country.
But he got his dream!
If you have a dream and you will work hard I think you can be successful like Federico Alvarez.
Watch his movie!
Monday, December 14, 2009
I like to study Japanese language.
Please read my 日本語!
Watashiwa Peta Desu!
Watashiwa Nihongo suki desu!
Honto Honto!
Demo Nihongo wa muzukashi desune!
Kanji zenzen dame!
Hiragana to katakana mo zenzen dame!
Romaji dake suki desu.
Romanji wa kantan to kirei desu.
Kanji wa muzukashi desu.
Kantan kanji wa daijoubu desu.
Tatoeba, 東京.
Watashino atarashii jyushono kanji wa totemo muzukashi desu.
Zenzen wakarimasen!
How about my 日本語?
Is it good or bad?
How about this 日本語.
Try to read it!
日本(日本、Nihonまたは日本か。、公式に日本国日本kokuかNihon-kokuは)東アジアの島の国である。 太平洋に置かれて、それは日本海の東の、People'にある; 北のオホーツク海から南の東シナ海そして台湾に伸びるs中華民国、北朝鮮、南朝鮮およびロシア。 Japan'を構成する特性; sの名前の平均の" 太陽origin" 、日本が時々"としてなぜ識別されるかである; 上昇のSun"の土地;。
日本は6,852の島の多島海である。[8] 4つの最も大きい島は一緒にJapan'の97%を占めるHonshū、Hokkaidō、Kyūshūおよび四国、である; sの陸地部分。 島のほとんどは山が多い、火山多数; 例えば、日本で最も高いピーク、台紙富士は、火山である。 日本にworld'がある; 約128百万人を持つsの最も第10大きい人口。 東京および複数の周囲の県の事実上の首都を含んでいる東京より大きい区域は30,000,000人の居住者上のが付いている世界の最も大きい首都圏、である。
考古学的な研究は人々が上部の旧石器時代の期間には早くも日本の島に住んでいたことを示す。 日本の最初に文書による言及は分離の長期に先行している外の世界からの最初の世紀A.D.の影響からの中国の歴史のテキストの短い出現から特徴付けたJapan'を始まる; sの歴史。 1947年に憲法の採用以来、日本は皇帝および選ばれた議会の食事療法を持つ単一立憲君主国を維持した。
I wrote the first one by myself.
The second one I wrote using computer translation at
Which 日本語 is better?
Do you ever use computer translation?
Is it good to write english using computer translation?
Watashiwa Peta Desu!
Watashiwa Nihongo suki desu!
Honto Honto!
Demo Nihongo wa muzukashi desune!
Kanji zenzen dame!
Hiragana to katakana mo zenzen dame!
Romaji dake suki desu.
Romanji wa kantan to kirei desu.
Kanji wa muzukashi desu.
Kantan kanji wa daijoubu desu.
Tatoeba, 東京.
Watashino atarashii jyushono kanji wa totemo muzukashi desu.
Zenzen wakarimasen!
How about my 日本語?
Is it good or bad?
How about this 日本語.
Try to read it!
日本(日本、Nihonまたは日本か。、公式に日本国日本kokuかNihon-kokuは)東アジアの島の国である。 太平洋に置かれて、それは日本海の東の、People'にある; 北のオホーツク海から南の東シナ海そして台湾に伸びるs中華民国、北朝鮮、南朝鮮およびロシア。 Japan'を構成する特性; sの名前の平均の" 太陽origin" 、日本が時々"としてなぜ識別されるかである; 上昇のSun"の土地;。
日本は6,852の島の多島海である。[8] 4つの最も大きい島は一緒にJapan'の97%を占めるHonshū、Hokkaidō、Kyūshūおよび四国、である; sの陸地部分。 島のほとんどは山が多い、火山多数; 例えば、日本で最も高いピーク、台紙富士は、火山である。 日本にworld'がある; 約128百万人を持つsの最も第10大きい人口。 東京および複数の周囲の県の事実上の首都を含んでいる東京より大きい区域は30,000,000人の居住者上のが付いている世界の最も大きい首都圏、である。
考古学的な研究は人々が上部の旧石器時代の期間には早くも日本の島に住んでいたことを示す。 日本の最初に文書による言及は分離の長期に先行している外の世界からの最初の世紀A.D.の影響からの中国の歴史のテキストの短い出現から特徴付けたJapan'を始まる; sの歴史。 1947年に憲法の採用以来、日本は皇帝および選ばれた議会の食事療法を持つ単一立憲君主国を維持した。
I wrote the first one by myself.
The second one I wrote using computer translation at
Which 日本語 is better?
Do you ever use computer translation?
Is it good to write english using computer translation?
Saturday, December 05, 2009
Christmas Lights!
In America, people put lights on thier houses for Christmas.

It is very cold in some parts of America. People can cheer up by looking at colorful lights.
Christmas lights started in Germany in 1800. At that time only a Christmas tree would have lights. They didn`t have electricty so they used candles.

In 1903 in America, People started putting lights on the outsides of thier houses also.
At first, people only put up a few lights.

Over time, people put more and more lights!

Some people would compete with thier nieghbors. They would try to put up more lights than other people. Soon, some people were putting up too many lights.

Sometimes it is Crazy!!
But sometimes it is Wonderful!

It is very cold in some parts of America. People can cheer up by looking at colorful lights.
Christmas lights started in Germany in 1800. At that time only a Christmas tree would have lights. They didn`t have electricty so they used candles.

In 1903 in America, People started putting lights on the outsides of thier houses also.
At first, people only put up a few lights.

Over time, people put more and more lights!

Some people would compete with thier nieghbors. They would try to put up more lights than other people. Soon, some people were putting up too many lights.

Sometimes it is Crazy!!
But sometimes it is Wonderful!
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