Saturday, September 22, 2012

What is your PIN code?

A PIN is a  Personal Identification Number.

You use this number when you use an ATM.

Photo by

My PIN is 8068.

It`s a joke!

I will never tell you my PIN!

Some stories about PINs!

Here is a funny story.

Why is a PIN only 4 numbers?

John Shepherd-Barron invented the ATM.

At first, he thought the PIN should be 6 numbers.

But his wife wanted only 4 numbers.

In the end, he listened to his wife!

Here is a scary story.

Many people are attacked at ATMs.

Some crazy poeple say "Take out $1,000 or I will kill you!"

There is a new plan to stop these crazy people.

If you enter your PIN backward, the ATM will call the police.

The police will catch the crazy man!

Is it a good idea?

Here is a funny and scary story.

What is the most popular PIN?

A data scientist, Nick Berry did research to find out which PIN was the most popular.

He examined 3,400,000 PINs.

The most popular PIN is "1234"!

What a bad PIN!

It is so easy to guess!

10.7% of all PINs are "1234".

Many people are lazy when they choose their PIN.

Here are a list of other popular PINs.


Why are people so lazy!

Many PINs begin with 19.

Because it is the year someone was born.

I was born on November 13th.

But my PIN is not 1113!

1 comment:

e.uemury said...

PIN code is personal information.

So, my PIN code is very complicated number.

But, PIN code is only 4 number.

I think PIN code is outdated.