Wednesday, February 10, 2021



These days the coronavirus is a big problem.

What will happen if you get the coronavirus?

Here are the symptoms of the coronavirus.

If you have any of these symptoms please be careful.

Let`s try to stop the coronavirus.

Here are some ways we can stop the coronavirus.

As a student, what can you do to stop the coronavirus?

1) Wash your hands often.

2) If you have any symptoms, do not come to school.

As a teacher, what will I do to stop the coronavirus?

1) I will encourage the students to wash their hands as often as possible.

At the start of every class, I will give the students time to go to the toilet and wash their hands. Also, if any student wants to go to the toilet to wash their hands, they can do this at any time in the class. Please do not be shy about washing your hands! Do it as often as possible!

2) I will be kind to students who do not come to class because of the coronavirus.

Of course, I want all of the students to come to the class every week. But these days, I do not want to spread the coronavirus so I will be kind to the students who are absent because of the coronavirus. 

3) I will not give so many handouts in the class.

Usually, I like to give many handouts in the class. 

I give the students a paper. 

They write on the paper. 

They give the paper back to me. 

I check the paper and give it back to them. 


I have used this style for many years. But this year, this style is very dangerous! 

The Coronavirus can live for a long time on many things. The coronavirus can live in the air for up to 3 hours, on cardboard up to 24 hours and on plastic up to 2 to 3 days. We are not sure how long it can live on paper. This is so dangerous!

In the class, I will use less handouts. Instead, we will use Google Forms. This is an online quiz. Instead of writing on a paper and giving it to me, you will send me your answers online. Please make sure to bring your smartphone to class and you will also need to make a Gmail e-mail address. Please use your smartphone in the class only for studying.

3) I will give students who are absent because of the coronavirus other ways to study.

 If you are absent because of the coronavirus, I will give you work to do to make up for your absence. I do not want a student to fail my class because of the coronavirus. You can do online quizzes on Google Forms. You can also make short videos for the rest of the class using Flipgrid

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