I will stay in Tokyo!
Tokyo is not so beautiful.

It will be too cold!! But if there is snow it will be beautiful.

Maybe I`ll just drink beer with my friends.

And eat dinner. I love Kawa ebi. It is the best!

I should go hiking in the mountians. I need exercise and the mountians are so nice!

But really really....I want to go to Myanmar.

Do you know why I want to go to Myanmar???
I can`t tell you. It is a secret!!!
Hello Peter !!
Many photograph !!
Beer is delicious.
Tokyo city is dirty and it looks finely snows.
Peter like a ONSEN ?
I think so too.
Tokyo isn't beautiful.
but,snow is really beautiful.
I like a snow.
I like a snowboarding.
Why did you go three?
Please tell me.
Nice plan .
But ,I don`t have plan!!!!
I study TO TEST!
Oh, Peter Tokyo is cold.
But, Beer is happy drink !!
This year last is drink party!
Please spend Christmas slowly.
Me too.
I don't like winter. But snow is lovely.
I want to make a girlfried before New year coming and go somewhere.
I hope Myanmar gets back safe and pieaceful.
Did you contact your gilfriend?
Tokyo is pretty cold today!!
January is the coldest of all tha mouth in japan><
But,japanese christmas has an air of romance...
Illumination is beautifull^^
Why do you think the last?
Please teach><
I don't like cold temperature too!!
I liked Chiristmas before.
But now,I don't look forward to it.
becouse,Santa Claus doesn't come to my house!!!!
Oh,warm country!?
But,I accustomed to cold weater.
After all I think It must be cold in winter and an atmosphere matches.
I want to be in the country.
It is cold in Tokyo, and, however, is warmer than New York.
I know the reason where Peter wants to go to Myanmar.
Peter wants to meet the lover in Myanmar.
Her name is Mary or Marie.
I'm sorry when wrong.
First photo is so pretty^^
Tokyo is cold.
But,in Christmas, do you think that it will snow in Tokyo??
Snow is so beautiful...
I must not drink beer.I'm 18.
Why do you go to Myanmar?
Your country's winter is not so cold?
I like winter because I like cold!
Do you know that all Japanese have "Kotatsu"?
It's very hot! "kotatsu" makes hot both body and heart, and will makes you happy.
Christmas' illuminate is very fantastic in Tokyo city!
Christmas in Tokyo will makes you happy!!
Tokyo is no beautiful.
I think so too.
and I like ebi too.
Ebi is very delicious.
Hot country is very nice.
Tokyo is very very cold in winter.
I want to go to Okinawa.
Okinawa is hot. I`m happy.
Tokyo is cold.
Outside is cold yet it will good thing surely!!
Please enjoy your Chrismas Vacation!
That goes for me, too. Tokyo is not so beautiful.
The snow is beautiful. However, I am hated.
Because snow is cold. "I do not want to go out of the house!!"
I don't like cold.
I want also to go to a hot country.
The photograph in Myanmar is beautiful.!
I think so to!
TOKYO is durty.
But Illuminations are very beautifull!!
Peter Please give me Christmas present!
Tokyo is so beautiful!
You don't know good spot in tokyo yet.
I'm afraid, I think, TOKYO is not come snow.
I want to come snow too.
And You love Kawa ebi!?
You like Japanese"OYAZI"(=the old man).
But I love kawa ebi too. Oh,I like OYAZI too?!
Why do you want to go to Myanmar...?
Of course, I don't know!
So I think, you want to go to Myanmar's PAGODA??
(PAGODA= Myanmar's temple.)
I like snow, because My home town have a lot of snow every year.
But, I removed clear snow from off a road is terrible!
You like Kawa ebi best. I can understand why you got like this!!
Please tell me why you want to go Myanmar!!
Hello peter!
It's really gotten cold!
It's unbearably cold!
You opinion is much the same as mine.
rry with drink!
Tidbits is boiled tofu for the winter!
I hope happning in christmas!
I think cold in Japan.
But I have winter vacation.
So I'm very happy.
Maybe I I spend Christmas with my friends.
And enjoy Christmas.
Let's enjoy Christmas,Peter.
Tokyo is not beautiful.
I think so too.
Mountain is great.
I want to climb.
I feel so cold lataly.
Please enjoy your Chrismas Vacation.
Hello Peter!
Your vacation plan is very nice.
I want to many many place too.
but I must study exam....
If there is snow, I will make snow dall.
Myanmer? Food?
By Takaaki Yamamoto
So,I think that Tokyo is cold too.
But Tokyo is beautiful.
I think that Tokyo has some beautiful spots.
Will you search beautiful spot in Tokyo.
I think so too.
Tokyo is not beautiful.
Very shock.
I like beer.
Beer is best drink.
Tokyo is cold.
becose,I do not go to the outside.
I like ebi.
but,I have not eaten a kawaebi.
This friend is Japanese?
Ithink If Your friend is Japanese,
Yor friend speaks English the best.
58454 Ryosuke
Tokyo is not so beautiful to afternoon.
But, Tokyo is so beautiful to night!
Light of the city and illuminations is beautiful!
Christmas dinner, I love "namahamu".
Hello Mr.Peter.
I like beer ,too.
I don't like cold.
So I don't like snow.
But I feel that it is beautiful.
I want to goto hot spot ,too.
Tokyo is crowded in holiday.
It's very troublesome.
My Christmas vacation will be not go out.
I will go back to my parents' home.
But My parents' home is very cold.
Myanmar want to go.
My plans for this year's Christmas is still undetermined.
I was born and never went to overseas.
I do not like the plane is very concerned about leaving Japan.
How can a plane? At the moment of takeoff is the worst.
Peter,s plan is nice vacation plan.
Does Peter like cold seasen?
I like wintter.
But I don,t like summer seasen.
I weak hot!
When it enjoys taking a rest, it is good.
Tokyo is certainly unattractive! !
Friends and beer?
Girlfriend? ? ?
A warm winter is cold, but I hate Christmas.
My Christmas plan is a club.
It's Lonely.
It`s so nice christmas vacation!!
Maybe I have a kentucky,and alcohol,go to my friend house!!
This alcohol is made in japan!!
It`s name ``tantakatan``
Very delicious!!
I enjoy christmas ,this year
I live in Tokyo now, too.
The winter of Tokyo is very cold.
I like summer most!!!
I return to the parents' house on Christmas of this year.
i like beer me too!
chiristmas is very cold
i want to hot spot
Myanmar is very beautiful
but very dnger
Acquire mind!
I want snow,too.
but I don't want to watch the snow in Tokyo.
So, Tokyos snow is black and dirty!
I like beer!!
Christmas is very like.
Because romantic.
How many times did you go to Myanmar?
I want to go, too
I Watch Peter`s photograph.
Tokyo is very beautiful.
I like tokyo very much.
Beer`s picture very beautiful.
I like beer.
Aye you like beer?
hay peter.
i live in tokyo to.
tokyo is big .
i leke kawaebi to.
The video is so crazy!!
I think people can not do so violent and crazy things except super man.
but it is so interesting.
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