Let`s all enjoy Hoko (Make-up classes) together!!!
I was sick at the beginning of this semester. I was so sad!!!

I`m so happy these days because I can have SO MANY Hoko.
Here is my schedule for this week:
Monday- 4 classes
Tuesday- 5 classes
Wednesday- 4 classes
Thursday- 5 classes
Friday- 5 classes
Saturday- 3 classes
Total- 26 classes!!!
One class is 1.5 hours
26 X 1.5 = 36 Hours of teaching!!!

Sunday- Sleep all day!!!

You have to value health!!!
I want to play games&watch a video
in this Hoko.
And The fourth lesson,
I want to go home after having called the roll; immediately.
Do not you think that you are good?
An easy class is good.
For instance…
sees movie, and sees a video.
And,I want to return to the house early.
Had we the consensus of opinion??
I want to return to the house!!!!!!
It is bad for eyes to watch a PC for a long time!!!!!
So sleepy!!!!!!!←Think most
Incidentally,I want to release netsurf .
I appreciate that you are very fatigued^^
The Hoko news came as a grate surprise to me ´`
But I take a rosy view!!
I enjoy English study☆
Have a good happy crass room^^
We can stay in a light mood!
And I wish Hoko is happy!!
So, such as...music,video,game..
After I feel like taking a rest^^
Goodmorning peter!Me too.
I goes to school in this week,Manytimes.
Very tired today!
I hope sleeping class!........Jokes!
Because it is another class, I come for the fourth period again.
You are very very busy this week.
36 hours of teaching...
It's terrible!!
You will be tired,and you sleep every time this week.
I want to go home early...
26 classes...
It's so many classes...;;
36 hours = 1.5 day ^^;
This cat is cute!
Today,I want to...play.
...and,I want to go home...
I want to play the internet games.
We seach for easy and interesting games in internet,
and recommend for you and other students.
Good idea!!
I hope to enjoy this class.
For example, play games.
Oh, Many many Hoko!
I appresiate that you are very fatigued.
Peter! Fight! Fight!
I impressive is big cat!!
But cute^^
Lunch is very cute!!
Enjoy is class good !!!!
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