Saturday, June 05, 2010

Gulf of Mexico oil spill 2010

The Gulf of Mexico is between The USA and Mexico.

On April 20, 2010, there was an accident on an offshore drilling platform.

There was a big explosion.

The explosion killed 11 platform workers and injured 17 others.

Oil is still spilling into the sea even now.

Many animals are hurt by the oil.

Many people are working to clean up the oil and help the animals.

They must clean each animal by hand.

But there is still so much oil in the sea.

They use plastic to keep the oil in one place.
Sometimes they try to burn some of the oil.

Sometimes they use chemicals to break up the oil.

But still more and more oil is leaking into the sea.

Maybe, 100 million gallons of oil will leak out before they can stop it.

1 comment:

Tak said...

I worry about oil spill too..