Saturday, November 03, 2012

My favorite TV show

There are so many TV shows that I like.

Which one is my favorite?

That`s a difficult question.

I think, my favorite TV show is Star Trek!

This is a SF show.

Photo by purpleslog

It is so popular!

There have been 6 different TV shows about Star Trek.

The first Star Trek TV show started in 1966.

At first the costumes were not so good.

Photo by  x-ray_delta_one

Sometimes the special effects were so bad!

The last Star Trek TV show ended in 2005.

I`m sad. I want them to make another TV show!

But there are still making Star Trek movies!

So far, there have been 11 Star Trek movies.

Photo by dkalo

The last movie made $385,000,000.

The next movie will open in 2013.

I can`t wait!

Many people love Star Trek too much.

They are called "Trekkies"

They want to do everything "Star Trek" style.

This motorcycle looks like a spaceship!

Photo by bundabergtim

There is even a "Star Trek" pizza cutter!

Photo by  joebeone

There is also a Star Trek salute.

It means "live long and prosper".

Photo by maxtm


akimaru505 said...

I know it!
I like Captain Picard
I think he is a good adult

e.uemury said...

I don't know it.

I want to see it.

I have to go to video rental shop.

koji yanagawa said...

I don`t know it.
He is very cool.
I would like to see him.

Chiharu Harakawa said...

I love Star Trek!!
I have all series DVD!
I like crue is Mr.spock!

Nagi said...

I don't know it.
It is very interesting.
It is good in the TV program which delights everybody increasing.

Ayumi said...

I have not watched "Star Trek".
So I want to look this!!!
My favorite TV show is "Furuhata Ninzaburo".
Do you know???

Takuya. said...

I like the SF.
Teacher do you like SF?
I think there are a lot of dreams SF.

takanori said...

I do not know this.
I like SF.
I would also like to look at this.

aki said...

I don't know it.
But I like SF.
I want to watch it.

TAKAYUKI said...

I am also favorite!
This motorbike is also wonderful.
SF is wonderful!

kohei iwanaga said...

I know it!!

But I don't show it.

It is interesting.

Yui Miyazawa said...

I know about Star Trek.

The motorcycle of picture is interesting.

I want to Pizza cutter.

Yuto said...

I don`t know it.
It is interesting.
He is very cool.

tsukki said...

The pictures are cool.
I think it is interesting.
I am interested in it.

falcon said...

I don't know it.

I like the SF show.

SF is wonderful!!

mikan said...

I don't know it.
But he is cool.
My favorite TVshow is "MONSTER".

Nanako said...

This TV show is interesting.
But alien is fearful.
I want to watch it someday!

iwane asuka said...

I don't know it.
It is very interesting.
I like the SF show.

Jojo said...

I don't know it.
But it is very interesting.
I want to see it.
He is very cool!!!!!

Ryo said...

I know ster trek.
SF tv is very funny.
In Japan,there was tv show called 200x.

yumi mon said...

i don`t know it.
Anyway, i`m willing to try to see if the actor handsome.

sailing said...

I don't know it.
I want to see it.
It looks very interesting.

Ruriko Matsuo said...

I've never heard of that but it looks very interesting! the movie is coming soon..I wanna watch it!

akiho said...

I don`t know it.
It seem interesting.
I want to watch this

chihiro said...

I don't know it.
I don't like SF.
But I want to watch it.

Unknown said...

I have no knowleadege of the SF.
But that TVshow looks interesting
I'd like to see the program

hiroe said...

I don't know it.
He is so cool.
Iwant to see it

pepeper said...

I know that guy in the bottom of page.
I have watched him on a drama many times!
I'm proud of him a japanese american as one of a japanese.

Unknown said...

I did't tis movie.
I have never watched it.

But I
I understood This movie was loved
by so many peple all over the world.

rio said...

I like TV.
In particular, he likes a movie.
I like a biohazard.

akira said...

It is very nice!
I like TV.
I watch television for 3 hours per day.

Happy kanda said...

"Star Trek" pizza cutter is cool!
I don't know much about Star Trek.
I want to see it!!

Mika said...

I like SF!
But,I don't know it.
I thought that I wont to watch it.

Ayumu Nakao said...

I didn't know it.
It sounds interesting.
I want to watch.

Miki said...

I didn't know the movie.
I feel I don't like it.
But,I want to watch the next movie.

mayu said...

I don't know it .
But I want to see it.
so Alien is interesting.

shun said...

I don't know star trek.
I see you have a chance.
My favorite movie is Star Wars.

watanabe marina said...

I don't know it.
I like SF.
I want to wathch this TV show.
I want to this pizza cutter.

Unknown said...

I don`t know it.
It is interesting.
He is so cool.

Unknown said...

I know it!
But I have not see it,so I want to see it!

Unknown said...

I don`t know it.
It is interesting.
He is so cool.

Unknown said...

If it is Star Trek, I also know.
Probably, this is broadcast from ancient times.
Since George Takei who played the role of Hikaru Sulu has appeared in various dramas and movies, he knows.

Unknown said...

I don't know it but,
I wanna see it.
I think he is cool.

Anonymous said...

I don't know it, but it's sounds like good! I like SF movies, too.
It's something like STAR WARS.

Saki said...

I know that.
But I don't like SF shows.
Did you see the new movie of Star Trek?

YI said...

I've never seen "Star Trek".
I want to watch this movie!

Star Trek pizza cutter is nice!

Unknown said...

I know it! But,not TV show.I know movie version.Because,I like to see many movies.

I think that pizza cutter is so funny goods!Very interesting.

Unknown said...

I know star trek!
I love caractera's:)
Star trek is wonderful.

tenrain said...

I don't know it.
But, I think that this TV show seems to be interesting.
I want to go space.

Unknown said...

I have'nt known it.

At first the costumes were not so good. this is fuuny!!!

I want to check it out !!!

Unknown said...

I have watched Star Trek maybe.
But I didn't know that this series is popular and historic!!

Unknown said...

I like SF.
But,I don't know it.
I will rent the video rental shop now.

Anonymous said...

I like the SF.
I know it.
I want to pizza cutter.

Unknown said...

I don't know it.
I want to see it.
I like SF!
I have go to video rental shop.

Unknown said...

I don't know it.
I do not see too much SF.
But I want pizza cutter.

Unknown said...

I don't know this TV show.
But I want to watch it.
Because this Introductory essay
is interesting.
Model is so cool!